2049 Richmond Highway
Stafford, Virginia 22554

540-657-1423 - phone
540-657-1424 - fax
COVID-19 - Mask Policy
Our staff, our clients and our families are not required to wear masks while onsite. Everyone is encouraged to mask at your own discretion. We will continue to monitor temperatures upon entry into sessions. Thank you for your continued cooperation as we work to keep all of our staff and our clients safe and healthy.
Services We Offer:

Comprehensive Occupational Therapy Evaluations
Comprehensive Speech Therapy Evaluations - Not offering as of 2024
Feeding and Swallowing Therapy - Not offering as of 2024
One-on-One OT Sessions
Specialties Services Provided:
Sensory Motor
Social Thinking
The Alert Program's "How Does Your Engine Run?"
Therapeutic Listening and Quickshifts Programs
Astronaut Training
Astronaut Training is a program designed to directly impact the vestibular system, visual system, and auditory system. The majority of our therapists are trained to administer Astronaut Training.
Educational Support
Attendance at school meetings to support your child in the academic environment.
"We help children develop the skills they need to get the most out of life!"

Thank you!
Our office was proudly voted First Place choice for Special Needs Services in Fredericksburg Parent's 2024 Family Favorites! Thank you, parents and families, for voting for us. We are delighted to receive this recognition!

We Provide Treatment For:
Autism and Related Disorders
Developmental Delays
Learning Disabilities
Cerebal Palsy
Visual Processing Disorders
Premature Infants
High-Risk Infants
Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD)
Spina Bifida
Sensory Integrative Dysfunction
Sensory Processing Disorder
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
and more